Everything about the Child Custody Attorneys in Dayton

A lawyer specializing in child custody can play several roles when the client goes through a family legal dispute. The legal counsel can gather information to support the client's claims and respond to legal papers and petitions to preserve the client's rights. If you need qualified legal assistance to obtain custody of your child or agree on a visitation regime, obtain a free analysis of your claim from a lawyer specialized in the subject.
Child custody attorneys Dayton responsibility
Often, courts must determine where children will live when their parents separate or divorce. The laws on child custody serve as a guide for judges when they must make these crucial decisions. The determination of who gets custody influences the support of children and other financial obligations. Child custody attorneys in Dayton with experience in child custody can help their clients negotiate a parental agreement or engage in legal proceedings.
Types of child custody
·         Legal custody refers to the legal capacity of parents to make important decisions on behalf of their children on issues such as education, religion, extracurricular activities, and medical care. Unless a parent is abusive or is not trained for some other reason, the courts grant this right to both parents. This is called "shared legal custody."
·         Physical custody refers to the place of residence of the children and the time they spend with each parent. This is usually the cause of disputes regarding custody. When physical custody is granted to only one parent, this means that the child resides with that parent and spends most of that time with that parent. Shared physical custody is another way, in which both parents are assigned the same amount of time to spend with their children (although not necessarily the same).
How to get custody of your child
If the court must determine the custody of children, in most cases it will apply the "best interests of the child" standard. This standard allows evaluating both parents and the child to determine if there are factors that would make the child prefer to spend more time with one parent than another.
The court can assess the child's age, sex, current housing situation, and arrangements regarding his or her care. You can also assess the age, health, lifestyle, and stability of each parent. The court can consider the work schedule of the parents and the ability to provide the child with basic needs. You can also consider the relationship between the child and each parent. Child custody attorneys in Dayton allows courts to consider preferences expressed by children of a certain age.
Normally, a particular factor is not enough to arrive at a decision. However, the judge may give more weight to one factor than to others, depending on the circumstances or the age of the child.
Speak today with Child custody attorneys Dayton in Custody of a Minor
Child custody attorneys in Dayton, child custody can address your particular legal needs, explain the law and represent you in court. Take the first step now and contact a qualified child custody lawyer near you to discuss your specific legal situation.


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