Child Custody Factors to be considered by the Child Custody attorney

When filing for a divorce the best interests of the child has to be considered. Most good parents agree with this concept. Few parents may disagree as far as the specifics are considered. Moreover, some parents aren’t able to distinguish between the wants of their children and the needs of their children. They also tend to put their own desires at the forefront.
So, the following child custody factors are taken into account to make the right decision.
Co-parenting ability
The new Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage law to a great extent gets rid of the old overseeing conservator/possessory conservator model. Rather, the two guardians must cooperate. Along these lines, while they don't need to be companions, the guardians should be compassionate towards each other. In the event that one parent can't do that, this parent is probably not going to be named as the residential parent.
History of domestic violence
Most courts do not tolerate violence, be it physical, emotional or verbal or different forms of family violence. It doesn’t take into account if the incident took place recently or years ago. To get back on equal terms, the alleged abuser must dispel the allegations at a huge degree.
Physical and Mental Fitness
The parent must be physically, mentally and emotionally fit to obtain child custody. Otherwise, in case of limitations pertaining to health and fitness, the parent is prohibited from gaining custody.
Relationship of children with each parent
As a common rule, most children are closer to their mother when young and develop a greater bonding with their father at maturity. However, that is only a general guideline, and each family is different from one another.
Child’s Preferences
This factor isn't as noteworthy as certain individuals might suspect. In Illinois, a judge may overlook the inclination of an adolescent and respect the inclination of a 7-year-old. It relies upon how mature the child is. Besides, numerous kids don't express their preferences. They would prefer not to pick one parent over the other one, and guardians ought not compel them to do so.
Schedule a consultation for child custody attorney at the law offices of Martin. A. Delaney.


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